Friday, February 06, 2009

My Purchase of the Month

I ventured into Norwich today to find some reading material that I'd been craving (despite the fact that I have a ton to read already and told myself at the beginning of the semester that I was not allowed to buy any more books until I read the ones I already have...oh well), and found what I was looking for at Borders. I came across this ENORMOUS volume of short stories by John Updike, compiled by the author himself. I also found a copy of his novel, Rabbit, Run (Penguin) which was part of a 3-for-2 deal at Borders, so, naturally I had to find two other books bearing the same sticker so that my money would not go to waste. I decided on a collection of stories by Raymond Carver entitled, will you please be quiet, please? (Vintage) and The Collected Dorothy Parker (Penguin) by, of course Dorothy Parker. As I've ventured cautiously away from writing that first novel that will win me international glory and fame and have tiptoed towards writing more short stories to see if I can actually finish some of my writing, I've been reading more short stories than I ever have in my life. I've even considered the possibility that I never tend to finish writing stories because, until recently, I never really finished reading stories. I'll let you know how this experiment goes. 

I've read three of the Updike stories so far, and, to my merriment, I'm hooked. 


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